Thursday, February 19, 2009

Any Recyclables?

This afternoon i was dragged into the after-school recycling club by four dear friends. It was because one of these friends got sentenced to this club as a detention, that i was pulled into this whole thing. But after the first couple minutes, i didn't regret doing it at all. Myself and the rest of the "Batman" crew roamed around the school and asked various teachers if they had any recyclables. The only person i felt bad for in this whole situation was the poor woman who got stuck looking after our group. This lady seemed pretty out of place when directing us. I suppose we fit under the category of "weird kids".

While exiting the school that same afternoon, a woman told me that she liked my haircut. Now if it were about 2 months ago, when i cut all my hair off, or if i had any memory of this woman whatsoever, it might have not freaked me out as much. But of course the circumstances of which i just listed were opposite to what really happened. So considering that a woman who supposedly "knew me well" noticed my hair about 2 months after i cut it all off and the fact that i didn't remember her at all, left me leaving the building scratching my head.

When i got home this afternoon, i tested an experiment that i've been dying to do for some time now. you would think that when a teenage boy is home alone, he would do gross things. But i tend to do weird things instead. Like what i did this afternoon when i was all alone: Attempting to purposely slip on a banana peel on my kitchen floor.

At first i barely slipped, not even enough to make me fall. Then as i tried again with a little more running speed, i succeeding in falling with a small boom. It didn't hurt much so i don't regret trying it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Strawberry Hanker Chief

This morning i woke up feeling rather sick and lethargic. But after taking a shower and blowing my nose a lot, my cold has nearly subsided. Anyways, recently( i realize this is quite a vague term and that i am usually a pretty descriptive person, but to be honest i don't remember exactly when or where this incident happened.)

Recently, i saw a man blow his nose with a blue hanker chief from his pocket. It had a strawberry pattern on it. This disgusted me. Sorry to offend anyone who uses these vulgar little bacteria carrying rags, but then again i guess i'm really not sorry because as i have said earlier, if you don;t enjoy this blog, then why read it?

Anyways i find these "hanker chiefs" quite grotesque. I mean really. This is a tissue that you re-use over and over again until you do your weekly laundry. I mean let's say i were to use one of these "hanker chiefs". Considering the fact that i'm sick and blowing my nose lots and lots already, if i were to suddenly sneeze at the end of this week after recovering from my cold in the middle of the week, then i might just receive the cold again because of all the bacteria on this "rag of doom". And to top it all of: They put it back into their pocket after each usage! That must make the insides of all their pants pockets just awful.

This raises another question regarding the hankerchief. Why are strawberries called strawberries? They could be called red berries, or red and yellow berries, or red berries with yellow dots. But there doesn't appear to be any resemblance of straw on these berries. And for that matter what is up with that expression strawberry-blonde. I mean dirty blonde is so much simpler. Is this because blondes don't like to be reffered to as "dirty".
If this is so, i would assume it would be because they already have to bear the "dumb" blonde jokes. But still, i'm sure that the blondes could find something better than "strawberry-blonde". When i think of that i think of strawberries, which then makes me think of redheads. Because strawberries are red, not blondish.

Monday, February 16, 2009

President's Day

Today i have come to the conclusion that i need a blog. There are many, many times throughout the day in which i feel a need to rant and ramble about the curious and spectacular things in life. So today i have signed up here on this blogging website so that i will have a future outlet for all these things i need to rant about. Some you may find funny, others you may not, but i hope you will find them all enjoyable in some way. Actually you know what. No, i really don't care if you enjoy this blog or not. I mean if you like it you should read it , but if you don't then you just should not read it. It would really seem to be a complete waste of your time to read a blog you don't even find the least bit interesting. Because a blog is somewhere in which you can express how you feel about something on the web and post it and not have to worry about all the crap from someone else who doesn't like what you're saying, because they shouldn't be reading the blog anyways because they don't enjoy it, right? Anyways now that i've given you a little introduction to the way i think. Lets talk about my day.

Today i woke up in Creeper's room after a sleepover the night before. We burned some Cds last night for myself and also watched some episodes of my second favorite television show, How I Met Your Mother. (My first favorite show is Friends. learn it.) So it was quite fun. After Creeper took a shower and i watched yet another episode of how i met your mother, we went over to North Point with Blondie. We went into starbucks, as usual, and i decided to try something new. I believe it was called a Breakfast Pidini. But god was it amazing. It was filled with eggs, cheese, and little sausage bits. I ate it in the California Tortilla place as Creeper wanted a veggie burrito for his lunch.

From there we left North Point and headed for the general area of Reston Town Center. And i think over the past 3 trips me and Blondie have made over there over like the past 2 weeks. Not once have we actually made it into the true town center. But that's not overly relevant. So we make it to Harris Teeter, after a little detour at the chiropracter's office. We went in and sampled everything in the grocery store, as usual. But this time i decided it was time i rode the Harry the Happy Dragon children's ride in the front foyer area of the store. (Where you get the carts) I finally convinced Creeper to get on it with me. It was a very squished ride, but still fun. We yelled 'weees' and 'ya-hoos' as many strangers and grocery store clerks gave us dispicable glares.

From there we went to the Pets-Mart where i ran around in search of the birds, while on an obvious sugar rush of some sort. Creeper and Blondie were not as amused at this as i was. We left after a little while of chasing me around Pets-Mart. We collected various pennies and dimes at the drained out fountain between the road dividing the two shopping centers.

We got to the other side of the road and entered Barnes and Noble. Not much happened there other than getting coffee and iced tea. Then we went Best Buy and Creeper played guitars while Blondie watched. I attempted to play a couple basses, but this old erragant old man overpowered my 60 wat amp with his stupid telecaster.

So now I'm home, writing out the detailed events of my day. Tonight I'll probably finish up some homework and then go to my guitar lesson. And then when i get home i'd better get to watch how i met your mother. Last monday night they had the first presidential address. As much as i like mr. obama i think that overrunning my only favorite show that's still running new episodes on the air, just to have some little interview is pretty not cool. Anyways, more later. Toodles.