Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Boston and NJ

Today i have come across an interesting and possibly imaginary controversy. Maybe i should say unrealistic instead. Anyways, as you know NY and Boston have the Yankees/Red Sox conflict. New York also has a conflict with New Jersey in that they see NJ as trashy and an unreasonable place to live. This strikes a thought to my brain. Is there a conflict between New Jersey and Boston. It would seem that if this conflict did exist it would complete the hatrid circle of the 3 areas of New England (if you count NY). Just a thought.

I have also been becoming quite the music critic lately, so here are my best and worst album releases of 2008. In no particular order.


Motley Crue, Saints of Los Angeles: The crue have shown me very well that although their live shows may not live up to what they used to be, they can still tie together an awesome record.

Panic at the Disco, Pretty Odd: With their second album i think they have finally found their own sound as a band. Quite the modern Beatles.

The Academy Is..., Fast Times at Barrington High: Fun summer songs. Good for a high school soundtrack type of album, which i'm pretty sure is what they were aiming for.

Slipknot, All Hope Is Gone: Some good political songs, some good headbanging songs, and the ever surprising acoustic ballad Snuff. All around a great black metal album.

Rise Against, Appeal to Reason: Although i've only heard a dew tracks off this one it's still great. Even though you can tell that they've taken a small step towards the mainstream and a step away from their straight-up punk roots.

Anti-Flag, Bright Lights of America: By far the best political punk album of '08.


Fall Out Boy, Foliex a Deux: This album was a major disappointment. I expected a lot more from FOB but i really got let down this time. The album was, from my standards, an R&B album with a couple funky drum beats, but definitely not the FOB i used to know. It's pretty obvious that these guys have been sucked too far into the mainstream pop punk scene and have lost all that they used to be. Unless they pull off something amazing with their next album i'm pretty much boycotting going to any of their future shows due to fear of boredom.

Hinder, Take it to the Limit: This album kind of falls in between best and worst. The electric tracks like Use Me, Up All Night, and Take it to the Limit, were really good. But the acoustic ballads(which took up the majority of the album) lacked individuality and were just crappy love songs with cliche lyrics that i got pretty bored with. A half effort album in my opinion.

So in other stuff, i have begun picking up Eclipse again. The same thing happened to me with New Moon. Where i stop reading it halfway through the book and then start again months later. It keeps the excitement up. anyways, more later. Toodles.